Thursday, December 11, 2008

Stem and Leaf plot

The Stem and Leaf plot above describes the ages of people at a family reunion. The stem is the number in the tens group, while the leaf makes up the numerals in the ones group. The numbers are always listed from leas to greatest. When many data are grouped together such as those in the 0 group and those in the thirties it is considered to be clustered. Stem and leaf plots help arrange data in an orderly manner.


The box plot above describes how anxiety level effects test scores. In order to make a box plot one must gather information about how many people have low anxiety levels, moderate anxiety levels, and high anxiety levels. Then they must measure the test scores of those who they gathered anxiety data from. As one can see in this plot it seems that the concluded evidence is that those students whom have the highest anxiety levels complete their tests with the highest scores as well.


The histogram above is comprised of two axes the Y axis which represents the number of students and the X axis which represents the Score on the final exam. Histograms can be used to measure numerous amounts of data. They are good tools in reviewing how a class is being taught such as the instance in the histogram above, and how children are learning. Histograms can be used to gather information and make objectives about how things are being done.

Parallel coordinate graph

The parallel coordinate graph above is a demonstration of a geometrical method used to scale dimensions through parallel lines. The lines usually begin at the lowest possible value and then fluctuate throughout the graph dependent on what is being measured.

Triangular Plot

The triangular plot above describes three descriptions of the specific land area; the amount of clay, sand, and silt. Triangular plots are used to that a viewer can gather numerous amounts of inoformation about the land area.


The windrose above is a map used to describe wind speed in a given circumference. This map is broken off into 7 seperate windspeeds. These windspeeds are useful for air traffic controllers because they can look and see when it's safe for planes to fly into a specific area or when conditions are too rough to land or take off.


The climograph above demonstrates the climate changes that occur in West Mexico. The blue bar graph demonstrates the amount of rainfall that averagely occurs each month in mm. The Red line describes the temperature in the region throughout the year in degrees celsius. Climographs are good tools to use when figuring out how vegetation grows throughout the years, and why droughts may occur throughout the year.